Pretend Pets

 What kind of pets do you have?
In the past, we've had fish and a cat. First with the fish, my son was really wanted a pet fish so we took him to the pet store to pick it out. He chose a black goldfish which he named Super Duper Sumo. The Goldfish seemed lonely so we got two more fish, the tiny neons which we named Artemis and Pucca. After about a month of keeping these, we let them go live with grandma. Then with our cat I awaited for so can read about why we rehomed her here. :( We are petless.

Lately, our son really wants another pet but we're holding off until we move...We're thinking maybe he can get a beta later on. But until then...he's been making up his own pets lol.

Here is his pretend goldfish...

             And here are his other "pets"                

*a frog a preying mantis and a starfish hehe. (all plastic toys)*

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