We Care Fair Freebies & 3 Stooges Review

   Our Local Mall had a "We Care Fair" going on for the children, where lots of informational booths were set up. Each booth had different crafts to do, several freebies, and classes and volunteer work to sign up for. We didn't even know about this fair going on until we got to the mall, for our Saturday afternoon of treating our little boy to his first time at the Theater EVER! To see the new 3 Stooges movie he was so wanting to see! It worked out great cuz lil man got some fun freebies :)

A t-shirt, ruler, stick on tattoo, police sticker, finger print kit, crayons, and a lollipop. There was soooo much more but these were the things lil man picked :)

Now on to the 3 Stooges.. The old 3 Stooges is great, so funny, and lil man just loves it. He loves to laugh at their sillyness...who doesn't?? :)  So when he saw they were making a brand new one, he was ecstatic about seeing it.

It's opening day was April 13th which worked out perfectly for our weekend celebration. We were celebrating that our son got into the Immersion school we applied for!! They go by a lottery system for who gets in and he made it! So we had to celebrate :) He will be going to Kindergarten next year! So we celebrated with a surprise trip to the theater, to see the 3 Stooges :) It was an ok movie...Not as good as the originals, but that's to be expected.  There were quite a few parts that I really wish they didn't put in, because it made it not very "kid friendly" but it was fun to see my son laugh so much at their sillyness. And his first time at the theater was amazing,. He didn't squirm or go crazy, like all the stories I hear about other kids first time in a theater, so we got pretty lucky :)

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